Whether you’re a novice baker or run a bakery shop, you must stay aware of the latest trends. Keeping up with what’s hot will get more customers in the door. You can use trends to increase your business’s visibility and as content for your website or social media page. It’s also fun to surprise customers with exciting and delicious new baked goods. That’s why you’ll want to find out the hottest baking trends to watch out for in 2023.
Charcuterie Boards
We all know that charcuterie boards have been all the rage in recent years, but they are making their way into the world of sweets. It may seem surprising, but sweet charcuterie boards are popping up all around, and you might consider jumping on the bandwagon. Many bakeries will make charcuterie boards with dippable sweets like waffles or pancakes and a variety of accompaniments. These accompaniments include fruits, maple syrup, honey, chocolate, and butter.
Going Organic
One of the hottest baking trends to watch for in 2023 is the big shift to organic ingredients. People have been growing increasingly aware of the potentially harmful chemicals in the food they eat. That’s why many are switching to sweet treats baked with organic ingredients.
It’s a good idea to provide organic options in your bakery when you can. At Glorybee, we have all the wholesale baking ingredients you could need. The best part is that we also have options that include certified organic, non-GMA, fair trade, raw, and kosher ingredients as well.
On-The Go’s
We are a society that likes to be on the go, flitting from one place to the next. This need for constant motion has seen a rise in sweet treats you can take on the go. There are several benefits to including handheld treats at your bakery. First, they are a great option for children. Second, you can decorate your handheld treats with flashy, eye-catching designs that are bound to prompt a photo op.