Stainless steel. For all jobs in the bee yard, this useful tool includes a frame lifter, multiple scrapers, bee box opener, frame cleaner, nail puller and hammer head.
We don't think you'll find any other hive tools on the market quite like this... it is the ultimate bee yard tool with a multitude of uses!
One end is flat with a beveled edge that can be used to pry apart bee boxes. This same end has a nail puller and a slotted side that can be used to clean propolis and beeswax from frames.
The opposite end has a couple of different types of hooks:
This end also has a side with multiple notches that can be used to scrape/clean propolis from excluders. It even has a hammer head on one side that will allow for you to quickly repair frames and boxes right there while you are working in the bee yard. The hammer head is removable in case you don't want to carry around the extra weight.
Made of heavy duty stainless steel and with a comfortable wooden handle, it will last for many years. It measures 10.5" long by 2" wide.