Please note that once out of stock this item will no longer be available.
Bee Pro Patties are a high protein pollen substitute. They supply the proteins, lipids, minerals, carbohydrates, and B complex vitamins honeybees need to produce larval food. Bee Pro Patties are specially formulated to be a complete bee diet for producing brood.
Bee Pro Patties can be used for building colonies in late winter or early spring to prepare for pollinating. Bee Pro Patties can also be used to maintain and/or increase brood production prior to, and after the honey flow.
Place one patty on each hive to be fed. No need to remove paper. On a single story hive, place in brood box on top of the frames under the inner cover. On a two story hive, place the Bee Pro Patty between brood boxes on the top bar of the bottom box. Bee Pro Patties are usually consumed in 7 to 10 Days. Replace patties until desired brood production is met or until pollen flow has reduced patty consumption.