2016 is here and it’s time to get ready to order your packages of live honey bees. You can order your bees directly from GloryBee and pick them up April 8-9...
Beekeeping is an enjoyable endeavor which can be a fun hobby or a rewarding way to supplement your income. There are many reasons to become a beekeeper including pollinating your trees...
Things are abuzz at New Seasons Market. Today, the activity was on the rooftop as the Portland-based grocer introduced colonies of honeybees to hives placed on the roof of its Happy...
Hive Location Facing East – so the morning sun hits the hive Not in a traffic area Not too close to Lawn Mower Hive Location Preparation Off the ground Prop up...
Eugene, Ore. -- Beekeepers for Christ announced today that it is sending a shipment of beekeeping equipment to Uganda in August. The equipment is going to the Blessed Bee for Life...
Packaged bees are produced in the southern states to be shipped into northern states in the spring. The 3 lb. size is the most popular and it is said that 1...
Straight From the Hive Podcast
Keep up to date on the honey industry with our "Straight from the Hive" podcast. Lean about the latest trends, market predictions, quality assurance tips, and more. Hosted by GloryBee's 2nd generation bee keeper and President, Alan Turanski, this podcast features an array of conversations with industry experts, GloryBee staff, and GloryBee customers and partners.
To be successful in beekeeping, certain beekeeping equipment is necessary. All equipment must be uniform and standard when assembling a hive. There are several types of hives in use today. TheLangstroth...
Consistent flavor and color profiles. Stringent quality assurance and food safety standards. Formulation assistance. GloryBee ensures your product will have the impact you are looking for.