B Corps are businesses that are working together to create a better world, using business as a force for good. Becoming a B Corp 2 years ago is helping us meet our goals.

What is GloryBee doing to be a force for good?

Save the Bee is GloryBee’s social initiative program to protect Honey Bee’s from colony collapse disorder. Started in 2008, Save the Bee uses research, education, and outreach to save our favorite pollinator.

Why Save the Bee?

  • Bees pollinate an estimated $15 billion in crops, including about a third of our food.
  • Without bees we wouldn’t have some of our favorite foods; coffee, strawberries, blueberries, carrots, almonds.
  • There are fewer beekeepers in the USA than ever before, meaning we have to import honey from around the world to meet demand.

How is GloryBee helping Save the Bee?

  • Supporting local beekeepers at our annual bee weekend (April 19th and 20th, 2018). GloryBee brings in over 10 million bees, and works with their new owners to learn how to properly hive and care for their colonies.
  • Through 1% of sales of retail brand honey, plus other fund raising efforts, GloryBee supports OSU Honey Bee Lab and WSU Honey Bee Lab research into the effects of neonicitinoid pesticides and bee genetics on honey bee health.
  • GloryBee is a longtime supporter of School Garden Project organic gardens, where hard working staff teach elementary age children about the importance of healthy fruits and vegetables.
  • GloryBee customers are the best! Save the Bee engages customers to reach a broader audience, raise awareness for the plight of the honey bee, and raise funds for our partners.

How is B Corp helping Save the Bee?

B Corp is a network of likeminded businesses. Becoming a B Corp has led to some amazing partnerships with both customers (like New Seasons market and Hopworks Brewery), and leaders in the B Corp community like Winderlea Vineyards. Looking for partnerships with nurseries who ban neonicitinoid pesticides, and organic farms that use bees to pollinate.